Serverless computing offers many advantages for businesses. It is easy to provision and scale up as the demand increases. Further, businesses need not manage and maintain the servers instead, a cloud service provider does it.

In addition, it helps developers to free up their time, enables faster time-to-market and many more, all at reduced costs. Further, cloud service providers implement server management, including security monitoring, infrastructure management and many more. 

In this article, we will discuss serverless computing and its several outstanding benefits Let’s deep dive!

What is Serverless Computing?

Serverless computing, as aforementioned, helps developers focus on writing the best codes and deploying them to containers that cloud service providers manage. The entire responsibility of provisioning, scaling and managing the cloud infrastructure lies with the cloud service provider.

Also, the cloud provider must undertake routine maintenance, update operating systems and security, and monitor operations. The key highlight is that serverless computing is a pay-as-you-go model. The cloud platform automatically provisions the needed computing resources during the execution of code. 

Typically, the billing is initiated when the execution starts and ends when the execution is completed. The pricing is based on the resources used and the execution time.

Why Should You Use Serverless Computing? 

Several advantages are accounted to using serverless computing for enterprises. It assists businesses to be competent in a competitive environment. The following are the key reasons why developers stick to serverless computing. 

Serverless computing can be scaled up independently based on the needs of the application. It implies that the applications can easily handle unexpected user demands automatically without any human intervention. Eventually, it results in savings in time and resource utilization.

For serverless computing, businesses need only to pay for the resources they use when the application is running. As opposed to server-based solutions, where businesses pay for resources that may not be fully utilized, serverless computing can be a money-saver. Therefore, it is fundamentally a pay-per-use model.

Also, developers require much less time in managing and deploying servers; serverless computing helps reach new applications in the market. Further, it helps enterprises to ensure enough flexibility toward changing market conditions. 

The cloud service provider manages the storage, infrastructure and networking in serverless computing. Therefore, it helps developers to focus on building code only. As a result, it reduces operational expenses and helps with proper application management. 

Serverless computing possesses the ability to develop and deploy applications using several programming languages and frameworks. For enterprises, it acts as a boon that there are no infrastructural constraints, and it makes it easier to select the programming languages that are ideal for their needs.

What are the Benefits of Serverless Computing?

As discussed above, serverless computing offers several benefits. Let’s discuss a few of the prominent benefits of serverless computing.

1. Scalability

In serverless computing, applications scale up automatically when users increase. If the application needs to be run at several instances, servers start and run as and when needed. For this reason, the server application manages any number of requests. On the other hand, a conventionally structured application fails to handle requests when there is an immediate surge in usage. If you need to expand the functionality of an existing application at a reduced cost, it is easy to use third-party integrations to add new features very quickly on a serverless platform.

2. Fast deployment 

Developers do not need to upload code to servers or implement backend configuration in serverless computing to release a new software application. 

The application involves a collection of functions provisioned by the cloud provider so that developers can upload code simultaneously. It helps in quick updates and facilitates adding new features to an application. It reduces time and enhances overall productivity in the first place.

3. No Server Maintenance

Serverless does not mean the absence of servers, though. The computing takes place on a server. However, developers need not have to provision, maintain and manage the servers. As discussed above, the cloud service providers manage the server. As a result, it reduces the additional investment needed to maintain the server. Apart from reducing the cost, it helps developers build and scale up applications without worrying about the server capacity.

4. Pay-as-you-go Model

As mentioned above, developers must pay only for the space they use in serverless computing. It follows a pay-as-you-go model, and the provisioning is accurate.

However, in traditional architecture, developers must forecast and project the server capacity needed. Further, regardless of whether they use the projected capacity, businesses must purchase it. In serverless computing, a cloud service provider helps with the provisioning and scaling of resources automatically when needed. 

5. Reduces Latency

In serverless computing, code can run closer to the end user, reducing latency. Since you can run code from anywhere. Therefore, running the application functions near the end user is easy.

As a result, it decreases latency as the request from a user does not have to travel to the origin server. In serverless computing, the user requests get run from the servers close to the user.

6. Integrates New Features 

One of the great benefits of serverless computing is that it favors built-in integrations with several third-party applications. It lets developers build and create software application functionality with the existing features and modules. It helps boost time-to-market and takes care of security and performance efficiency. 

7. Enhances Security

Cloud computing strengthens security measures as it features automatic maintenance. Further, most cloud providers use security experts to implement advanced solutions to enhance security protection. It checks for security vulnerabilities and maintenance at regular intervals.

Future of Serverless Computing

Serverless computing will become a crucial component of cloud-based services in future. More enterprises are implementing cloud-based infrastructure, and the scope and need for serverless computing are expected to grow faster than before. 

Also, serverless computing is associated with cutting-edge technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and so on. The integration of serverless computing with these advanced technologies opens up opportunities for the creation of new applications. Furthermore, it offers more capabilities for the existing serverless models. 

Since it is easily possible to interconnect serverless applications with different environments, it makes way for ready-to-use software applications. Also, it helps boost software analytics along with its monitoring. Additionally, it enables enterprises to use DevOps methodology for edge computing.

Use cases of Serverless Computing

The scope of serverless computing continues to grow as it is needed across several industries because of its reliability, scalability and affordability. Below are a few important use cases of serverless computing.

Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions

Serverless computing assumes great significance in improving IoT services in many ways. IoT devices gather large amounts of data that are to be processed in real time. relying on serverless computing helps enterprises process IoT data and initiate actions on the basis of the data collected from sensors. The use of serverless computing in IoT solutions helps with the easy scalability of resources based on demand. Further, as it features event-driven architecture, developers can effortlessly respond to events. Also, it helps with rapid development and reduces complexity in the development process and costs.

Ideal for Mobile and Web application development

Serverless platforms are ideal for mobile and web app development. They manage API requests, backend functions and so on. In fact, it helps simplify the application development process and ensures scalability in accordance with user demand. It enables enterprises with rapid development, cost-efficiency, scalability, serverless APIs, microservices integration, offline support, user experience, third-party integrations and many more. It also features event-driven architecture making it highly ideal for building responsive applications.

Serverless Microservices and API

Enterprises can create microservices architecture with serverless functions. It enables them to build scalable APIs. Microservices architecture helps break down applications into smaller services where they can independently implement development and deployment and ensure scalability. Serverless computing features event-driven capabilities and therefore matches perfectly with the microservices architecture. Serverless functions act as endpoints to manage requests, implement specific tasks, and send responses. Typically, serverless API Gateway services help manage the APIs and help manage the APIs and route requests to the respective functions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

In the near future, cloud-based AI will become one of the top cloud services. Serverless computing plays a great role in eliminating the complexities in the deployment of AI. It opens the door for event-driven AI, which helps in new computing capabilities such as cognitive APIs, containers, and serverless computing will play a key role in eliminating some of the complexities of deploying AI. Serverless offers quick insights with the help of event-driven AI for assisting decision-making in real time. Further, businesses need not bother about scalability. Serverless helps machine learning models to be updated or deleted without impacting the system. 

Final Words

Serverless computing makes a great impact on every enterprise. No matter if you are building APIs or working on event-driven infrastructure or multimedia services, serverless revolutionizes the way you create, deploy and maintain applications. Therefore, if you want to witness an extraordinary transformation in your business operations, rely on serverless computing. 

Adopting the right technology helps businesses enjoy efficiency in operations as it helps enhance delivery performance. In return, it gives the best results on investments and optimizes cost. 

Using serverless computing would help software development greatly in terms of performance, delivery and cost efficiency. If you are a company engaged in software development services in the UK or anywhere around the globe, adopt serverless computing. Beat the odds and be ready to stand out from the curve by adopting cost-effective, result-oriented technologies. Serverless computing helps your business transform through its exceptional advantages! So, what are you waiting for? Try serverless computing to take your business to the next level!


Author bio: 

Silpa Sasidharan is a content writer and social media copywriting expert working at ThinkPalm Technologies, who aspires to create marketing texts for topics spanning from technology, automation and digital business solutions.

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